Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Shout Out

I wanted to make sure Abi and Colter, my brother and sister in law, know how much I love and appreciate them and what they did on the wedding slideshow! It turned out so so cute, and I wanted to post it on here but we didnt know if it would work. Thank you so much for all the time and energy you put into that for us, it really meant SO much. Abi put together the pictures and music just a couple of weeks before having darling baby Gray, and I couldnt appreciate her more for everything she did. Thank you!

Also, Logan thank you for the super awesome music selections for dancing!! It was so much fun and you did such an awesome job. Thanks for doing that for us!!!



Katie said...

You have some great family!!

Jenn said...

Hey Code, I hope you don't mind me blog hopping. Congrats on your wedding. You looked fantastic. Your such a great girl, what are you plans? We live in Nor Cal, going to grad school. Stay in touch.

Judy Hammer said...

All this just goes to prove that the even was most assuredly a FAMILY AFFAIR. Oh, that's how everything this family happens! What an amazing group of family/friends we are. One does what the other can't and vice versa.

Abi said...

ah shucks. thanks. and we love you.