Sunday, June 29, 2008

What A Weekend

This weekend was full of so many fun events with Friday and the Arts Festival, and Saturday morning babysitting cute little Elsie and Bella, followed by a wonderful hike up to watch the sunset... It was the perfect way to end an absolutely great weekend!

Just a few pictures to show the cute girls I got to play with all Saturday morning and the cute bo I got to hang out with quite a bit....

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Top 5

Movies I need to see.. If you have seen any of them please give let me know if I should see it or not.. (well more if you thought it was good, cause lets face it I see every movie even if its gotten terrible reviews) and seeing as Blogger is not letting me upload images I have to do without pictures.

1. You Don't Mess With the Zohan: I have heard mixed reviews on this, but I still want to see it, the preview makes me laugh so hard, but it is very true Adam Sandler has had some major movie flops so it could really go either way.

2. The Love Guru: You cant tell me you dont think this movie looks so entertaining, and its Mike Meyers, he is fantastic. So Im thinking it wont be disappointing. (although I think Jessica Alba is in this and that makes it very hard for me to want to see it, I hate her acting, well and her in general. She is irriating)

3. Kung Fu Panda: I have heard this show is amazing, and Jack Black is so funny I cant stand it. Plus who doesnt like a hilarious cartoon every once and a while.. I may just have to take some nieces and nephews with me, since they will love it almost as much as me! Any takers on that? Let me know!

4. The Happening: This show, as all his movies do, looks so confusing and makes no sense in the preview. But M. Night Shaylaman is an amazing director, so you cant go wrong with one of his shows... Unless it turns out like a Lady in the Water movie, yeah that movie was crappy, I dont recommend it if anyone is wondering.

5. Get Smart: Okay Steve Carrell is one of the greatest actors, I didnt really like him before but after falling in love with The Office and then Dan in Real Life he is one of my faves. This show looks pretty hilarious, I hope its not disappointing!

So there you have it, if you feel like seeing any of these please let me know, I am in need of movie going if you couldnt tell! Now that most of school is done I am wanting to get my movie queen title back! Let me know if you want to go, cause they are all lookin tempting!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Just Thoughts..

I have been thinking a lot lately about why I feel the way I do, why I get in such a bad mood at work so fast, why I get irritated with certain people that I really should not be irritated with, why I have to have outward approval and significant friendship/relationships to make myself feel better. I dont know why but I do know that for the past month I have started to figure out that controlling your irritated mood at work makes a LIFETIME of difference, realizing you dont have to have anyone's opinion outside yourself matter (even though that is hard for me) because if you approve of yourself then nobody else's opinion matters. I have so much respect for my siblings, they are fearless, and they teach me every day, they are all amazing and look fantastic all the time and I hope I can be like that as I keep going through life. I worry about how I look (as most girls do I know) and how I compare to those around me. I know I will figure out how to get past this, even though it will take time.

I find that I struggle with larger groups, one on one I am great and myself and who I want to be, but get me in a bigger group and I shut down and listen to the conversation without contributing. I know this is not something that is detrimental but it is still something I wish was so different about myself.

I am a worrier and sometimes it gets the best of me. I think I worry most about knowing what I WANT to be and how I am finding the time to GET there. I always find something "more important" or more valid to spend my time on. I know I can reach my fitness goals, and I know I can look the way I want.

As for work, well its a work in progress. I am sick of my position as a receptionist and every day it gets a bit harder to sit here and take crap and deal with everyone. But I got a nice break because of school for the last few weeks, so hopefully I can just get back into the swing of things without too much of the irritated frustration. Or I just need to get really good at faking it! haha

On a lighter note, the last few weeks have been amazing for me, I have been realizing how much of an optimist I can be and more importantly how HAPPY I can be by just being me. I have never had that kind of confidence, of just being myself and being okay with that. I think I got in a rut for quite some time and pessimism took over but the last few weeks it feels like it is melting away, I am smiling, laughing, doing things that I would usually be to afraid to even try but "someone" (yes you all know who) makes me feel like its okay to try anything you want to as long as you have fun along the way.

Sorry for the rant (and its not as eloquent as Chelle) but I just wanted to talk, maybe help that mood at work today cause I am fighting it!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Masquerade Prom

So my friend Serena decided to have a masquerade prom night for graduating college with all her dancer friends and some of us non dancer friends. It was such a fun night! Matt and I spent so much time talking and laughing, plus dont you just love getting all dressed up and looking great? I mean it doesnt get much better than that. Here are some pictures of the fun night!

(and just in case you are wondering, our masks got lost by the girl that said she had them for us, so we were the maskless wonders!)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Oh the things we do...

Oh the things we do! I hiked Mt. Olympus last Saturday to spend time with a cute boy, let me tell you that mountain is not the easiest thing to hike. It was 3.5 miles up, but sooo worth it at the top! I had a campfire dinner night on Friday and Matt was there, we were talking and him and his friend Doug were planning on hiking up Mt. Olympus the next day, which I of course "wanted to do" .... Thinking it wont be that hard to fake that I havent gone hiking in a while.... Rrrright good luck trying to fake that one! But once we got to the top (in 2 hours and 40 minutes thank you) we stayed up there for a good 2 hours just enjoying the quiet, the company, and the view. It was amazing and so worth it to be up there, I would do it again even though it seemed like torture for a while! By the time we got back we were all beat, and very sunburned, so we all took a nap and later that night got together to watch a movie since none of us had energy to do much else. It was a great weekend!!