Thursday, February 5, 2009

Apartment Change

So we haven't even moved in yet and there is a LARGE possibility we are changing apartments already! Here is the story..

So there are these apartments right behind the Jasmine restaurant by the Cottonwood Mall that are very hard to get into because it is such a small apartment complex, you have to have a referral. Well the receptionist at my work lives there right now and she gave me the number of the landlord and when I called about a month ago she had just rented out their available apartment the week before but she would keep me on the list. Well the other place, Cobble Creek, had a place available April 1st and they were putting pressure on because they had "so many calls in the past week" so we took the plunge and put the deposit down... Well go figure the receptionist at my work decided she and her friend (who also lives in the Lindon Apts, the one we want) were moving out April 1st and want us to take over the lease if it works out.. Its 80 sq ft larger and $100 cheaper a month!! UH YEAH!! haha

SO now we are waiting for Jeanette to call us back after she talks to the landlord tonight about how to work out the lease situation... Matt and I went and looked at the place last night and it just felt right, we both saw ourselves living there! And its a 2 bedroom so we will have extra room!! It is just a better situation for us all together! I am hoping that it all falls into place like it feels it should and we can move in in 2 months.. AHHH 2 MONTHS!!! Time flies by when you are stressed! haha

Best part? Other than it being large and homey for us? It is right across the street from the Holladay Fitness and Rec Center

I just cant wait to get the ball rolling on this wonderful opportunity!
Keep your fingers crossed for us!!!! :)


Shan said...

We would be neighbors! We only live like 1 minute from there!!!

WIKKY said...

that is so great. can't wait to help you move in and see how cute it is....

Judy Hammer said...

Just me, your Queen of Commenting Mother, telling you that I'm sooooooo dang excited that you found Matty, and that housing is working out (kind of...) and that I love ya tonz and tonz.

Abi said...

Yahoo! That is so exciting. We go to Holladay Lions club sometimes to swim. It is a fun place! We are excited for you two!

blake and mckelle said...

Hi Codye...(this is McKelle (bowman)) so i randomly came across your blog and read this whole thing on your apartment hunt, and i live right next to the lindon apartments in the apartments next to them! hopefully things will work out and you guys make it in to what you want. oh and Congrats on getting engaged! It's been forever since I've talked to you or seen you. send me an e-mail to, i've got a blog too but it's locked up. Anyway, maybe I'll talk to ya soon!