Monday, December 13, 2010

Blog? What blog?

So as you can see I am not very good at blogging but I intend to be A LOT better from now on! We have been up to so much and we are so busy, our computer is broken right now and all our pictures are on there... I still found a few to update the blog a little bit from the last time I posted!
Well I think the biggest news that I haven't posted about is that Matt and I are expecting our first little one!! I want to post about the the pregnancy so far with pictures so I am going to leave it at that for now.. Except I have to say it is a BABY GIRL!! She will be here March 19th!!
Our Christmas season has been good so far, with a move, parties, and more parties! I love the holiday season but I am pretty wasted every day! Matt and I both got new jobs this winter. He works for Carhartt, the new industrial clothing store that opened up in Murray and he LOVES it. I work for inContact as a data entry clerk and hoping it becomes permanent when baby girl gets here and I can work from home! So keep your fingers crossed for me!
And yes I am 6 months pregnant in the gingerbread house picture, I know you cant tell but I do have a baby bump somewhere! Pictures to come soon!!!


Reid, Megan, Jackson and Aiva said...

SO happy for you guys and I can't wait to see that little one!

Sara said...

Hurray for actually blogging! We're excited to see you guys at the end of this week!

Kelly Brown said...

Weehoo! She blogs! I can't wait to meet the baby girl, I bet she has Matt's eyes and your expressions, that would be great! So I vote for more blogging by you to keep me satisfied :) You don't look 6 months pregnant which is good for you, but I do love the little pot belly you have going on! You guys are the best, I can't wait for March!

Ben, Ashley, and Nate said...

So happy for you guys and congrats! That was when my baby was born. Hope you're feeling well!

Katie said...

Love the update!!

David and Jacquee said...

Congrats! That is so exciting for you guys. A girl will be so much fun. Can't wait for the belly pictures :)

WIKKY said...

that is an awesome gingerbread house! Ya. you definitely need to document the baby bump in all its glory!~!!

The Ballif Family said...

Congratulations on the baby girl! Kids are the best! Can't wait to read the updates!

jrpetho said...
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jrpetho said...

Congratulations!! That is very exciting. I actually had my first baby this past August (a little girl) they are so much fun! Enjoy being pregnant, it is so cool, and especially fun to plan for the baby.