Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Oh the things we do...

Oh the things we do! I hiked Mt. Olympus last Saturday to spend time with a cute boy, let me tell you that mountain is not the easiest thing to hike. It was 3.5 miles up, but sooo worth it at the top! I had a campfire dinner night on Friday and Matt was there, we were talking and him and his friend Doug were planning on hiking up Mt. Olympus the next day, which I of course "wanted to do" .... Thinking it wont be that hard to fake that I havent gone hiking in a while.... Rrrright good luck trying to fake that one! But once we got to the top (in 2 hours and 40 minutes thank you) we stayed up there for a good 2 hours just enjoying the quiet, the company, and the view. It was amazing and so worth it to be up there, I would do it again even though it seemed like torture for a while! By the time we got back we were all beat, and very sunburned, so we all took a nap and later that night got together to watch a movie since none of us had energy to do much else. It was a great weekend!!


WIKKY said...

looks like you had fun even though that hike is a tough one! i did it one time with some frat guys and i was the only girl. ahhhhhhh! talk about having to keep up!

WIKKY said...

ummmm.... cute shoes by the way. love them.